Planning for your first adventure

Intro – It’s quite a bear to begin the process of planning to go out into the wilderness. What should you bring, what if you don’t have this or that? Is it safe, and so on. It’s important to keep in focus that you don’t need much to enjoy a few days away from the daily grind.

Location, location, location. As with all things, it starts with location. Are you considering a quick getaway to a local campground, or planning a trip off the beaten path? It’s important to understand the path ahead of your journey. Perhaps all you need is your legs to backpack in the backcountry. It’s always best to start with a local camping location. Most campgrounds can be located at or

Food and cooking gear– When it comes to food, simple is best. Eggs, tuna, and burgers (or steak) are my go-to for breakfast lunch, and dinner. As you can imagine, all three are easy to prepare and will not take long to cook. Keeping simplicity in mind, below is a basic list of cooking gear you will need, a more detailed breakdown of gear will follow in future blogs.

  1. Utensils
  2. One pot or pan
  3. Disposable plates
  4. Stove with propane
  5. Water to drink and boil
  6. Oven mint for handling hot food
  7. Coffee press and a coffee mug
  8. Cooking oil and your favorite seasoning
  9. One of the most underrated items is paper towels
  10. Sponge and biodegradable soap to clean any pots and pans

Room and Board – Keeping simplicity in mind, the essentials for room and board are a tent, sleeping platform (sleeping pad, etc.), sleeping bag or blanket, and pillow. Other items such as clothes and extra blankets will come in handy.

Safety – My number one rule is safety first. Without safety in mind, a fun trip can turn into a disaster. Keeping safety in mind, monitoring your kid’s activity around the campsite, and having a basic first aid kit can yield dividends. We will unpack this in future posts. First aid kits can be found at most major stores, I like the kits from

Have fun and be safe!

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